Monday, January 20, 2014

Reflection on Unit One and Collaborative Work

Just like this year has proved, English class has been different. From a paperless classroom to an informal exam, it has been unlike any other English class I've ever taken. Using a seven day "unit" system is just as abnormal, but abnormal doesn't mean bad. Having the unit system is a new idea, and one that needs to be refined before use. It has its strengths, but like any system, it has its flaws too.

The unit system creates a environment of organization, as each student and the teacher know what the general idea of the day should be. This could allow for the teacher to think more narrowly about what is being taught on any given day. More importantly for me though, is that each students knows what to expect each day. A unit system combined with Schoology, where every day can be posted allows students to look ahead, and see if they need to plan there time differently. It allows us to learn to manage our time better, and if we don't, then we are missing an opportunity.

However, the system was not without its faults. The unit system does fail to provide creativity. While having an organized schedule, the system only will work if it is followed, and cannot be abandoned at random times. So each day can only have a select amount of ideas to choose from. The only way to solve this is to create broad topics for each day.

The unit system accomplishes many goals and provides organization, with little downside other than a little bit of restriction, but not much. Refining this system could allow for interesting possibilities, and I look forward to seeing the progression of the system over time. I think the system is good, and with some refining could be great.

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