Sunday, January 12, 2014

Is Global Warming a Myth Because of One Cold Weekend?

Last weekend was extremely cold. No one can deny that. For some reason, one way or another, North America has had a cold couple of days, and everyone reacted a different way. Some people just accepted the cold as a weather pattern, and as nothing more. Others , mostly those who are skeptical of global warming's existence took it as an opportunity to prove their claim. They said that, "How could it be possible to have global warming when we get this cold weather?" and "Forget global warming, we have global cooling." While this may make sense to them, looking deeper shows that their claim is completely inaccurate. Yes, while we have had cold weather this winter, global warming is a real thing, and isn't disproved by two sub-zero days. It seems as if now days, every event that doesn't seem to match up with a particular idea is wrong, and nothing can prove it anymore. This happens in all areas, not just the environment, or politics, but everywhere. I think that we all need to start to respect each others opinions more, and be able to look beyond one example where the idea may appear wrong, or show the opposite of what is actually happening. So as you go on, try to looks at any idea through a different lens, not just the one that you see now. Don't disregard anyones opinion for one exception, because you could end up looking really stupid.

1 comment:

  1. In the words of our dear friend Hank Green: "Global warming is a horrible term for it". Climate change does not only mean that temperatures will increase in general, but also that temperatures often are on either end of the spectrum, really high or really low. This "polar vortex" might have more to do with climate change than we would like to think. When I lived in Virginia, we had outrageous winters, where it snowed much more than it would without climate change. Because of the term "global warming", people like to think that temperature will ONLY increase, which is just not true.
