Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ah, Our Tragically Unaware Generation...

Recently, my mom was sitting in at a class at Boston University on current trends in the business world. During this class, the professor posed a question asking how many people knew about the massive water contamination catastrophe in West Virginia. Out of the 45 students in the class, not 20, not 10, not 5, but 2 students raised their hands. It seems that our generation has become less and less aware about things that are going around in the world around us, and more focused on what is happening in our small section of the globe. This event happened to be one I had heard about on NPR, but do I read the newspaper daily? No. Should I? Probably, if I want to be able to be a global citizen and have any sort of effect bigger than my family or school. Now if the professor had asked who was arrested for DUI and drag racing last weekend, I guarantee that hand upon hand would shoot up. This is the fundamental problem with the world nowadays, we focus on what is fun, and lighthearted, and don't care about other problems that don't effect us, or even some that do.

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