Friday, October 25, 2013

My plan for the future of this blog

Up until now, many of my posts have been politics related. I've very much enjoyed this, but sometimes it can be hard to create factual and interesting posts about these subjects. I'd like to be able just to sit down and be able to let something just flow from my head, and have it be informed, and have the ability to express my opinion. Of course, there are many different changes I could make to do this. First, I'd like to start a "series" where I'll boot up garage band, and pick a topic, and just start talking. Also, I hope to try to get some game reviews out there, both for video games and board games. I'll review books, movies, and anything I can. The first game I'll most likely be reviewing is one I currently play. However, if it gets good feedback, I'll try doing more that I haven't played and maybe start uploading to YouTube. Anyway, comment what you think I should do, and I'll try to incorporate it. Also, comment if you blog is missing/incorrect on my blog list. I'll try to fix it as fast as possible.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gaming for a living?

I recently read a New York Times article about how gaming could lead to a whole new world. There are many professional gaming leagues, across almost every game. Could you imagine being paid to just play your favorite game? People make can make serious amounts of money off of it, not just enough to get by. Also, gaming YouTube channels, most famously PewDiePie, makes enough money to make a good living too.

I find this to be a huge jump the eGaming, and the online area in all. The fact that now you can play games, games, that are designed to bring an entertaining experience to the player, and can make a living? That's incredible. Even if you can't make a living, starting a YouTube channel can earn you some more money, while taking a fraction of your time. If you enjoy this stuff, and want to earn a little money, playing professionally or doing YouTube isn't a bad idea.

To view the article, click here.
To view a gaming league, click here.

Professional LAN Grand Finals (Tournament) Match with 40,000 dollars riding on the series.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The government has just reopened!

The government has officially reopened!

We came to an agreement about reopening the government and it was as I expected. We passed a clean resolution without defunding, repealing, or doing anything to Obamacare. The number for jobs for september is coming out now, because of the delay of the shutdown.   The number of jobs went up 180,000, but kept the unemployment rate still at 7.3%. However, the jobs number for october will be affected by the shutdown.

There will be more news later when I have time to sit down and do some research about the stats.

And of course, take care everybody!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Going to the Supreme Court?

So my father and I have created a plan to go down in November to Washington D.C. to see the Supreme Court. We would leave after school on a Monday, fly down, and spend the night. Then Tuesday we would watch the trial, which will be about having a prayer before town meetings. A more in depth explanation of the trial will be going up after I get back. Then, we would spend the night, and then fly back on Wednesday. My dad is also writing a letter to his former law school professor, Justice Kagan. This would only be to meet her and shake her hand, but it would still be a great honor. Possibly we would also go to the Senate, but that requires tickets given out by your senator, and are impossible to get during this government shutdown. (The offices aren't open). I hope to give a long report on what happened when I get back. And of course, take care everybody!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Creepy Geocaching Day

So recently, my friend Ben and I went geocaching in Burlington. For those of you who don't know, geocaching is when you take a GPS and hunt down small "caches" in the outdoors (Or indoors). You receive coordinates from the caches that people post, go to its location, and start hunting for the cache. Anyway, after we found the last of our 8 caches, we started to head back. All of the sudden, the walkie-talkies, which we had in case we were separated from his dad, starting to make noise. Although the connection was terrible, we could here that it was a young boy. We couldn't quite here what he was saying, but sometimes it sounded like "Help me!" or "Daddy, are you there?" Ben was freaking out, and was going to call the police, but his dad convinced him that it was nothing. I really couldn't go either way. As much as I knew it was nothing, and wasn't a big deal, it sounded creepy. The mystery was never solved, and we still don't know what happened. My bet is that it was nothing, but you never know...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Joint podcast with Teddy coming up!

So Teddy, Louis and I are going to be recording a non-scripted, of the top of out heads podcast while we go to the Head of the Charles. We'll be talking about anything that comes to our minds, even if it doesn't have to do with the race. Click here to visit Ted's blog and view his. But it will be going up on both blogs. Any thoughts on things you want us to talk about, please leave it on one of ours blogs! And of course, take care, everybody!

The Binding of Isaac: my new favorite game!

Hey everybody, so I recently picked up a new game called "The Binding of Isaac". It is a game where, as the title suggests, you start out by playing as Isaac. The basic premise is that you have ran into your basement, because your mom is coming after you. (Ya, it's a little weird) So you start out in the first floor, the basement. The game is based around moving throughout the rooms on each floor, and then fighting the enemies who are in that room. The fighting mechanic is a little odd. You have a standard ranged attack, and most starting enemies can only hurt you by touching you. As you progress, the enemies get harder, but your character progresses too. You can increase damage, movement speed for dodging, rate of fire, range, and many, many more. The controls are flawless, allowing for smooth attacks, and interesting mechanics, like the ability to almost curve your shots. The game is randomly generated each time, which allows for instead of memorizing the game and not wanting to play it anymore, you can replay and have a whole new experience. A video of me playing and explaining the game will be going up soon, and I hope you all will watch and like it. To get the game go to Steam and create an account. Then buy the game in the store, and start having fun. On the plus side, because its a small game, it only costs $5. I highly suggest you check it out, and have fun playing! And of course, take care everybody!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Rumors of the iPhone 6 already???

I know that American culture can revolve around the newest phone, or car, or other items. I understand that this is a part of America. But after hyping the iPhone 5s and 5c for months and months, with people waiting 2 weeks to get them, I thought we could enjoy them for a little while. I was completely and utterly wrong. People have already started rumors about the iPhone 6. It won't even be announced for a year! Can we please stop getting one thing, and then the next minute needing another. This will create a culture I personally don't want to live in, and many people will agree. So please stop, with the rumors, the "leaks" (That are usually incorrect), the hyping up, the waiting in lines, and then the not caring once its over! Just live in the moment, and enjoy what we have now, not what we'll have later. And of course, take care everybody.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Government Shutdown Podcast

So many people have been wondering about what the government shutdown is and does. So Paul and I recorded a quick podcast with facts and our opinions on the matter. Do not take our opinions on who caused it as fact, they are only our opinions. And so, take care everybody!

Click here to view Paul's blog

Friday, October 4, 2013


Hello! So recently there have been ads for and against Obamacare. Well, I thought I'd share one with you. Well, please, comment what you think. The ad doesn't support any claims or give any reason to opt out of Obamacare. While I think the ad is certainly memorable, they need an ad that will change people's minds, not creep them out. Anyway, take care everybody!

Understanding Politics

Hey everybody, so recently with Syria, the government shutdown, Obamacare and other political issues, people have been coming out with their opinions about the issues that are happening. This is bringing out the absolute worst in people. They don't know what they are talking about, can't tell the difference issues, and can't counter point others. I think that if you are going to come out strongly against something, you should at least be willing to talk about it with somebody and be able to have a discussion. So LEARN!!! I encourage you all to look up the issues, form your own opinions! Go! Now! I'll wait!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hard Reset!

Well, the government shut down, that's wonderful. Thousands of people lost their jobs, over 8,000 air traffic controllers lost their jobs, non essential military personal, and many more. Just a quick update, come on Congress, get your butt in gear! See you all next time!