Monday, September 30, 2013

Possible Government Shutdown?

As some of you know, a bill must be passed annually to fund the government, so it doesn't shut down. But now, because of the Republican majority in the house, the bill to fund the government also would defund Obamacare. The issue is however that the Democrats have a majority in the house, and will never let the bill pass. So many would expect that the Republicans would give up and just let the bill pass without the Obamacare part. However, being stubborn is a stereotypical Republican trait, so I'm not counting on it. If the government shuts down, all hell would break loose. Public officials would lose their jobs, so unemployment will go up. The economy will weaken, and many more bad events will unfold. So hopefully the crazy conservatives will give up, hopefully. But if you work for the government, you may want to worry a bit.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Through the Tunnel" Podcast

Hello everyone, this is my first podcast ever! I hope to be improving on these later and I hope you all enjoy!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Reading response for Doris Lessing's "Through the Tunnel"

Persistence and being calm can be the difference between life and death. In Doris Lessing’s “Through the tunnel”, an eleven year old boy named Jerry has to decide whether to risk his life, and potentially end it. Doris Lessing is trying to make you worry about him. She makes us feel like he is a close friend, and that we care about him. She wants us to become hooked, so we can learn about what happens to the boy.  Doris Lessing creates this atmosphere by telling the story of a boy, who while at a summer home, decides to go to a different beach than normal. He meets some boys, who dive down through a hole, to get through at rock. He wants to do it to, and trains to do so for the rest of his stay. On his last day of his vacation, he goes down and tries it. the way she tells the story. She makes you almost root for the boy, and hope for his success. This writing piece made me feel nervous, and how you wanted the boy to survive. The story is also about persistence, and how in order to achieve what you want, you must work at it until you succeed. I found that the period in between when he found the tunnel and when he tries it, was a little boring. “Through the tunnel” didn't make me think like other stories have, but it brought forth emotions about fictional characters that usually don’t happen in other stories. The story was very good, and I found it very hooking and that I wanted to read on more than most short stories can grab me. "Throughout the tunnel" is an excellent short story. It's hooking, interesting and a general good read.

Blogs I aspire to be like

Here are a couple blogs that I aspire to be like. Some of these I don't like the topic as much, but I like the layout/regular post schedule/interaction with readers: - I really like the information / comedy he posts here. I also enjoy all of his fantastic YouTube videos. - Information on Competitive Team Fortress 2 - This blog helps guide you towards playing in a higher level, which can be tricky otherwise. I like how it explains steps in easy to understand ways, and takes feedback well from community. - This one is less of a blog, and more of an online newspaper. Great blog about current events and politics. Mainly liberal, so republicans don't hate! -  NPR politics blog. Enough said. - Awesome sports blog, great format and content

Hope you all will check these out!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Green eggs and ham in the senate?

A couple days ago the house voted on a bill that they must pass every so often. This bill, in layman terms, funds the government. It takes part of our budget and puts it toward the government. As a very necessary bill to pass, it usually goes through without to much trouble. However, this time, republicans stuck in a clause that would defund Obamacare, (The affordable care act), a controversial issue. If the bill is not passed, the GOP will be enough to sustain the government until December. All of this is a major problem, and a point to count on another time, as information develops. However, something funny rose out of this. Ted Cruz, (R) from Texas filibustered for 21 hours, in an attempt to help defund Obamacare. For those who don't know, a filibuster is when a representative stands speaks in front of the house or senate, for a very, very long time. This is usually to prevent a bill from being passed. This is the opposite here, but again, another time. Anyway, Ted Cruz filibustered all through the night, and part of his rambling was in fact, reading Dr. Suess' "Green eggs and ham", to his children on the senate floor! Now I've heard stories about Congress, crazy filibusters and so forth. But none as random as this. Nothing as odd and cooky and such a weird thought. To read a children's book, in front of 99 other politicians, senators, during a serious debate on the situation our government will be in come December, was hysterical

How to add a chatbox/gadgets to your blog! First tutorial screencast!

Monday, September 23, 2013

What I intend do do with this blog!

Hey everybody!
So as the title suggests. this is going to explain what I want this blog to become, and what I will post. My hope for this blog is that it will grow and become a hub for us to talk about world, local, and many other issues! If you want to bring up anything, do so! Just leave a comment and start a conversation. I'm very interested in what you all have to say, and I'm sure others are too! Please, do not spam the chatbox, that is for all blogs in Mr. Fitz's english. Mainly, this blog with be about mainly politics. I plan to upload vlogs, and videos. I hope this will help me become better at podcasting and vlogging, as I hope to create a YouTube channel. Anyway, stay awhile! I would very much appreciate if if you shared and supported this! Growing is my goal!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

U.S. action in Syria?

                  If you check the most recent poll here, it talks about whether the United States should be taking military action against Bashar al assad, the Syrian president. The reason for taking action would be that he used chemical weapons on his own people, which the U.S. has previously said they will not tolerate. Click here to view some people's opinions on this subject. Please leave comments on your opinion and make sure to vote in the poll!